Dinosaurs have never been 很酷的er

Dinosaurs of Antarctica exhibition and OMNIMAX film open at Cincinnati Museum Center tomorrow

CINCINNATI – Dinosaurs have always been 很酷的, but they’ve never been 很酷的. 辛辛那提博物馆中心的最新展览和OMNIMAX®电影以令人兴奋的细节揭示了南极洲的史前历史及其恐龙居民. CMC的独特产品提供内容丰富的沉浸式展览和完美匹配的OMNIMAX®电影,带您前往恐龙时代的南极洲.  Dinosaurs of Antarctica opens tomorrow.

Dinosaurs of Antarctica takes you back in time to a land we wouldn’t recognize today. A land where massive beasts thundered through the forests; where colossal amphibians lurked about thick swamps; where sleek predators prowled the shallow tropical seas; where lush ferns and verdant woodland covered the plains. This is prehistoric Antarctica 200 million years ago – a warm, 绿色景观充满了活动,因为它位于更北的超大陆冈瓦纳的一部分(以及南美洲的部分或全部), 非洲, 澳大利亚, the Indian subcontinent and Arabia).

“It’s rare that an exhibition and OMNIMAX® film pair together so perfectly, creating experiences that build on and enrich each other,” said Dave Duszynski, vice president of featured experiences at Cincinnati Museum Center. ”在一起, 他们有能力让你沉浸在史前的南极环境中,并以令人眼花缭乱的细节将其带入生活.”

Dinosaurs of Antarctica: The Exhibit 在一个身临其境的环境中,展示真实的化石和栩栩如生的恐龙雕塑,展示他们生活的世界. The 25-foot-long Cryolophosaurus, with its uniquely crested head, 站在黑暗的天空中,闪烁着南极光的光芒——与北极光相对应的南方极光. The fierce predator’s skeleton is also on display in the exhibition. 一个rhino-sized Glacialisaurus,可能是 Cryolophosaurus它站在另外两种尚未被正式科学描述的物种附近. 这些恐龙是巨大的长颈四足食草动物的早期近亲 腕龙 but are smaller. A juvenile specimen is just about the size of a Labrador Retriever, plenty small enough to be devoured by the 19- to 39-foot Taniwhasaurus prowling the oceans.

The exhibition isn’t just about 什么 scientists have found in Antarctica, but 如何. Artifacts from historical and modern expeditions, 包括传奇南极探险家罗伯特·法尔肯·斯科特1910年乘坐的雪橇 “特拉诺瓦” 以及菲尔德博物馆的科学家们今天在探索这块大陆时所穿的厚厚的红色派克大衣, 包括. Pickaxes used by early explorers, 以及帮助现代古生物学家更容易挖掘史前岩石的手提钻, s如何 some of the tools needed for a polar expedition. 虽然南极探险的许多技术已经得到了改进(直升机胜过狗), 例如), researchers still sleep in tents similar to those used by Scott on his early 20th century expeditions.

引人入胜的互动有助于解释古代和现代南极洲矛盾背后的科学概念. A puzzle explains plate tectonics, 展示大陆是如何结合在一起的,帮助你想象冈瓦纳超大陆和南极洲向南漂移的过程. 互动式解释极地光和午夜太阳说明了20所面临的挑战th-和21st-century polar explorers. +, you can touch a piece of stone containing real fossils from Antarctica.

Dinosaurs of Antarctica pulls back the curtain on the process of scientific exploration,” adds Duszynksi. “The dinosaurs themselves garner a lot of attention, 但在这次展览和电影中,即使是现代南极探险的大胆和困难也会吸引你.”

If your imagination isn’t quite bringing Cryolophosaurus and its friends (or more accurately, 从猎物到生命, the companion OMNIMAX® film does the hard work for you. Dinosaurs of Antarctica: The OMNIMAX®电影 横跨OMNIMAX®影院的五层穹顶,周围环绕着您刚刚遇到的史前野兽. 体验面对六个月无太阳的极地冬季的恐惧,因为有夜视能力的掠食者在森林中潜行. 和一队科学家一起探索古冈瓦纳,并试图预测人类驱动的气候变化将如何影响我们的星球.

+, 你可以把自己绑在CMC的birdbird虚拟现实体验中,在充满恐龙的环境中翱翔, 像翼龙一样拍打翅膀穿过高耸的岩层,在《十大赌博平台排行榜》中吃蜥脚类动物.

Dinosaurs of Antarctica: The Exhibit is included with museum admission. 展览和配套的OMNIMAX®电影将于2022年10月14日开幕,一直持续到2023年1月15日. OMNIMAX®电影不包含在门票中,但可以在博物馆门票中打折添加.

Dinosaurs of Antarctica: The Exhibit was developed by the Field Museum, Chicago in partnership with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Discovery Place – Charlotte, NC, 和 Natural History Museum of Utah. Generous support was provided by the Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Fund.

Dinosaurs of Antarctica: The OMNIMAX®电影 由屡获殊荣的电影制作人大卫·克拉克执导,由巨屏电影公司制作. Major funding was provided by the U.S. National 科学 Foundation. Project partners include David Clark Productions; Discovery Place; the Field Museum; The Franklin Institute; The Natural History Museum of Utah; and NHNZ (Natural History New Zealand). The film is distributed worldwide by Giant Screen Films and D3D Cinema.


关于 Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized, award-winning institution housed in a National Historic Landmark. CMC是一个重要的社区资源,激发好奇心、灵感、顿悟和对话. 2009年被美国博物馆与图书馆协会授予国家博物馆与图书馆服务奖章,2012年获得美国博物馆联盟认证, one of a select few museums in the nation to receive both honors. Organizations within CMC include the Cincinnati History Museum, Museum of Natural History & 科学, Duke Energy Children’s Museum, 罗伯特D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater, Cincinnati History Library and ArchivesGeier Collections and Research Center. 坐落在历史悠久的联合航站楼——2018年修复的国家历史地标,被公认为全国45个历史地标th 最重要的建筑由美国建筑师协会- CMC欢迎超过1.每年有800万人次参观,使其成为该国网上赌搏网站十大排行量最大的博物馆之一. For more information, visit

关于 Champion More Curiosity
耗资1.12亿美元的“更多好奇心冠军”活动正在塑造辛辛那提博物馆中心的未来,同时培养几代批判性思想家,为我们地区的创新提供动力. 通过支持更多的好奇心和帮助建立辛辛那提博物馆中心的未来, you can fuel the economic prosperity of our region. 更多的好奇心将建立或重新构想十几个永久性展览和画廊,并为从小学到博士后的学生配备最先进的实验室进行尖端研究. Today’s wide-eyed explorers will be tomorrow’s innovators. 我们肩并肩地工作,让我们的社区参与到顿悟的重大时刻, wonder and connection. As we inspire all generations to learn, grow and thrive at Cincinnati Museum Center, we Champion More Curiosity. 考虑通过捐赠来支持“倡导更多的好奇心”来产生终身影响